Tencent, the chinese Internet star

Tencent it's not a new chinese singer but a start-up from Shenzen, near Hong Kong. You don't know it? Maybe you will know it in a near future... What's up?
- 2nd website beetween Baidu & Sina
- owner of QQ, n°1 msn-like in China
- portal Web qq.com
- mobiles services (Mobile QQ, Fengchang QQ Nannv)
- email (QQ Mail)
- Instant messaging services for companies (Tencent Messenger, RTX Enterprise)
- online games (QQ Game)
- Advertising agent
- Ebay-like (PaiPai.com)
- search engine (Soso.com)
Yeah, it's a lot of stuff. It remembers to me a great leader in Internet, I forget name, GoOsomething...
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