Toodou, the chinese Youtube

Toodou which means "potato" in chinese is the chinese Youtube.
Launched on 2005 april 15th, "potato" fastly becomes leader of his market, and his competitors Yoqoo and UUME are very far. On 2006 january, 150.000 users are registered. On 2005 december, 8.000 videos was sent on his server and they were more than 3.000.000 viewed. Just 4 months after, on 2006 april, 35.000 videos and 35.000.000 viewed. So, we can see how is important this type of entertainment in China. Then, the capital is opened on 2006 may and toodou win US$8.5 millions and his new partners are called Granite, Jafco Asia & IDG.
Thanks to who? Youngers chinese who love very much original local content.
But, maybe the future will become not good... A recent new on 2006 august 15th said Internet websites will need a special license from government for online videos. Then, it will be impossible to diffuse on his own website, independant video which have point of view different from government.
mmmh, not good fo Toodou, who wants the hot potato? :-)
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