Life in China
I live in a friendly neighboor, it means a place with a thousand six floors mansion maximum with a few cars. The rule is : no klaxon. A peaceful neighboor in Beijing where China is so noisy. I choose to live there because it's lke a little village. There, we play cards, test Taiqichuan or we discuss. A very good place for know new people and improve chinese. I choose to live there and I'm the only occidental! yes, the only one because this type of neighboor don't interest others occidentals.
In fact, I came in China for most of reasons. It's a new powerful nation, there is business to do, because I'm sure I'll have a good job after, blablabla... But another reason is I like very much China, and I want to discover it from inside. So, I'm not like exapatriates communauty which is in China without speak a word of chinese, in expatriates flats, with expats friends, expats neighboors, in expats bars, and expat food... I prefer to live a chinese life, in a chinese old house, with chinese neighboors et eat all the day in my little chinese restaurant!
Ok, there is an exception, I don't work for a chinese company with a chinese salary. I prefer to work for my little french start-up
Crickee ;-)
And before that, each day morning 2 hours of chinese learning, on my own with my chinese teacher's book in my french university "Méthode 90 : Chinois, pratique de base", by Leilei Li. After 6 months with this book in classroom, I can now improve myself with it.